moons ago I met a guy in a bar in Kenya. We were the only two white
faces in the place. And it wasn't much of a place. I was drunk but
he was drunker. He was one of those guys who would always be
drunker. And of course he told his story.
had journeyed to Africa as a young man. Like so many before him, he had been determined to make the Dark Continent a little lighter. His thing
was malaria. As a high flying medical guy he wanted to get an up
close and personal look at one of mankind's oldest enemies. His
studies took him north to what was then Lake Rudolf where he found small
communities who had been scraping the same living off the same baked land
for centuries. A particularly nasty local strain of malaria
maintained a horrific level of infant mortality.
of kids never made it to the age of five.
my man set out his stall to change things. He ended up living on the
banks of Lake Rudolf for twenty years and by the time he finally
found the cure the British had been booted out and with it the name of the lake which was now Lake Turkana.
there was a thing. Twenty years had been long enough for him to
realise that for this society to work properly it was vital that only
50% of the kids made it to five years old. Were all the kids to reach
adulthood, everything would slip out of kilter. For centuries the
human population had found a way to rotate the crops they grew to
ensure there was always just about enough food to go around. Were he
to end the malaria deaths, the situation would soon change. With
more mouths to feed the locals would have try and farm the land
harder and soon they would turn their fields into dust. Without enough
food the young would vote with their feet and leave for the sprawling
shanty towns around Nairobi, leaving the old behind. In a matter of
decades the carefully balanced society would have been destroyed. He would have killed
them with his kindness.
after weeks of agonising, he decided to keep the cure he had found to
himself. Had he made the right choice? Who can possibly say? But he
couldn't find a way to live with the knowledge of all those dead kids
he could have saved.
he drank. All the time.
mind has wandered back to our glum drinking session from time to time
over the last thirty years.
was there again yesterday.
I was feeling much the same as endless millions of people all over
the world must be feeling right now as the news rolls out from Trump's America. How on earth
have we got here? And more to the point, how on earth can we open the
eyes of a majority of people up here in Scotland to vote to escape this evolving nightmare? Last week I
listened to one Michael Greenwell's Scottish Independence Podcasts
where an election boffin called Dr Craig Dalzell laid our the hard
facts for all of us on the 'Yes' side of the Indy argument.
was nothing vary complicated about what he had to say. When IndyRef 2
comes around, we either find a way to win over a significant bunch of
old people or we lose.
2014 it was the older generation who won it for Better Together. 96% of the
over 65's turned out and they overwhelmingly slammed the door in the
faces of the 18 to 24's and their dreams of something better. And
yes, only 50% of the younger group turned out, but that hardly means
they deserve everything they get.
the time I found it hard to deal with the fact we were the first
nation in history to vote against the chance of independence and a better
future. I don't feel so bad about it any more. Now I have realised
almost every one of the 39 countries who chose optimism and hope were
predominantly young nations. They simply didn't have the millions of
over 65's to snuff out the hopes of the young.
the good doctor laid out his statistics, I got to thinking about the
broken doctor in the African bar. Over the last thirty years or so, a
whole variety of medical breakthroughs have lifted our average
lifespan by a whole ten years.
is good, right? Surely, it has to be good.
Well. Maybe not so much.
the average age up to eighty has destroyed the ecosystems of our
western democracies in much the same way as my alcoholic doctor knew
his cure would destroy the balance of nature on the shores of Lake
the average age in the countries of the West was still seventy, then
the world would look like a very different place to the one we are
looking at today. Scotland would be independent. There would be no
Brexit. There would be no Trump. There would be no prospect of Marine
Le Pen.
What we have now is how the world looks when the old are given a disproportionate
amount of electoral power.
this malaise goes way beyond the ballot box. Well over half of the
money the governments of the West manage to raise in tax is spent on
the over 65's. Of course it is. Politicians of all colours know only
too well their only viable route to power is to bribe the old. So we
splash the cash on free bus passes and triple lock pensions and to
pay for the bribes we cut university funding. Who needs to worry about the long term future
when the next election is only a matter of a few years away?
upon a time the media might have taken politicians to task for their
shameless bribing of the old. Not any more. The young don't spend any
of their cash on buying a newspaper which means the press barons are
every bit as dependent on the old as the politicians. So is it really
any wonder the likes of the Mail fill their pages with just the kind of
endless xenophobic nastiness their readers like to hear? Maybe this
is why so much of our media seems to spend their time getting all
misty eyed for the good old days of the 1950's when it was OK to tell
nigger jokes and Britain still had an Empire to call its own.
all the while the young get shafted and then shafted again. They are
the ones who are expected to work and pay all the tax to keep the old
in the style they have become accustomed to. The young will never get
the chance to buy a house for £3000 and sell it for a third of a
million forty years later. The young will never know what a final
salary pension looks like. Instead it will be their lot to work for
over seventy years and then Christ knows what. Most will never own a
house or manage to put together any savings. By the time they reach
their final years they will find the coffers have been emptied out.
get up tight when young people vent their frustration by committing acts of vandalism.
But is it really such a big deal? Spray paint is easily enough wiped
clean. The acts of vandalism our leaders are committing right now to
pander to the old are about a million times more damaging.
actually borders on complete lunacy.
a couple of examples.
people don't like foreigners. They want foreigners kept out. So we've
all had Brexit rammed down our throats. And of course our gallant
leaders are making it abundantly clear Brexit means much less Johnny
Because the settled will of the British people is that we don't like Johnny Foreigner.
according to the tabloid press everything is going swimmingly. No
doubt the Mail is filled with adverts for conservatories and cruises.
few days ago the Royal College of Nurses released some figures which
they probably hoped might generate some concerned news coverage.
Applications from nurses from EU countries wanting to come to Britain to work
for the NHS have fallen by 94% since June.
single hospital in the UK has vacancies for nurses. Getting on for
third of the nurses in our hospitals are from the EU and right now
they are in the process of packing their bags. Who can blame them?
All of a sudden this doesn't feel like a very welcoming place to live any more. Oh and of course they have just had a 20% pay cut because
their salary is paid in pounds sterling and pounds sterling suddenly
are not worth so much any more.
we need to train our own nurses! Lots of them! More of them! Well,
we do train them and as soon as they have the right set of
certificates they do exactly the same as the EU nurses are doing.
They bugger off. Because the UK is every bit as unwelcoming for young
people as it is for foreigners. Having English as a first language
guarantees a start in Canada of New Zealand where they also get the
chance to own a home of their own rather than paying extortionate
rent to some old landlord who has cashed in their equity release bribe.
there is the whole thing with universities. This is one of the few
things we have to sell which the rest of the world wants to buy. We make
billions out of all the smart young people who come from all over the
world to attend our universities. And it is a win, win as these very
same young people actually pay for the privilege of coming here to
carry out the kind of research we need to keep us hanging on in there as a
first world nation.
the oldies didn't like that. They weren't having any of it. Far too
many brown faces on the bus. Some of them even laughing!
Well they won't have to worry about it for much longer. Applications from
foreign students have gone the same way as applications from EU
You got it. Down by 94%
who have been working here for thirty years and more are getting
heavy duty letters from the Home Office telling them they need to
make preparations to leave the UK.
Brexit means less nurses and collapsing universities. Perfect. It would
be nice if the media gave any of this any coverage, but they don't of
course because their old readers don't want to hear it. So they talk
about who killed Princess Diana instead.
can't help but wonder how many medical scientists are in the same
boat as my man in the Kenyan bar. Wondering what if.....?
wonder if they sometimes picture what a world would look like if the
average life span was still three score and ten? Who knows?
guess the only answer is for us to give up our right to vote on the very
same day we draw our state pension. And that of course will never
happen so it seems we are doomed to put up with more of the same
until the patience of the young finally runs out and the pavements
glitter with broken glass. Eventually the young will get tired of
being screwed over all the time. Then what? Then we will all be in the
hands of twenty first century versions of Leon Trotsky and Che
Guevarra. It might be a brave new world or it might be a bloody
nightmare. History tells us the latter is rather more likely. I for
one would be more than happy to give up my vote when I hit 66 to give
democracy the chance of working again.
then, the best hope of getting out of this evolving nightmare is to
try by hook or by crook to find a way to convince the old folk of
Scotland to give the young folk of Scotland a decent future by voting
'Yes' next time around.